What parents would  like to change

What parents would like to change about our school.

The School response is in blue italics

“Two way mirror effect screen on office window – gives wrong impression of openness”               

Agree but it was installed to increase security of office staff especially when dealing with large amounts of money. Remember we do not always know the person at the hatch.

“More invitations to see work, e.g. once a term, view of wall displays”.                                            

School has an “open door” policy. Parents can come to school anytime to hear readers or help in school

Parents / Grandparents Lunch – dinner day”.                                               

Will arrange in the Autumn term but will need to restrict numbers as last time older children ate their lunch very late and Assembly had to be cancelled otherwise lesson time was lost.

“Breakfast and After School Club would be helpful”.                        

Parents surveyed about Breakfast club in June 2005 when there was not enough interest to make a club viable. After school care would affect our after school clubs and would also need to be financially viable. In addition the costs of additional janitor time to secure school would have to be provided and paid for.

“Smaller Classes”!!                                                                                         

We understand but school funding is dependent on pupil numbers and without full classes we would find it difficult to afford our teaching assistants and our school enrichment opportunities.

“Recognised as a major contributor to John Taylor High School”.                             

We are a school partner and take part in all the partnership events. JTHS certainly recognise us such. We are also networked with five other feeder schools and work closely with them.

“More sports school teams playing each other, netball, rounders, cricket, boys v girls mixed teams, parent teams, student teams”.                and

“Improve level of physical activities”  .

We take part in all the Dove valley sport competitions and are exploring increasing after school sports clubs where possible e.g. tennis, multi-skills for KS1 in Summer, cricket Y3 / 4 in summer. We are happy to provide a venue for after school parent teams.

“More use of field for games / playtimes”.     

Use field regularly for PE, games and lunchtime. Not enough time at breaks without its use affecting lesson time as it takes longer to get to and from the field.

“More pushchair friendly”.                                                                             

Unfortunately, due to fire regulations and following advice from the fire officer, we are unable to allow pushchairs into school as they provide block corridors etc in the event of a fire.

“Seating for school plays so that all parents get chance to see their children perform not just front row VIP’s”

The VIPs at school plays are governors, the heads of our feeder high schools and school inspectors, occasionally staff family members                                                                                                                                                    

“Re-site information board – keep up to date and tidy”.                                 

Notice board was sited there for easy access for parents. Hope you’ve noticed we are trying to keep up to date!